Dream Pillows

Dream Pillows: Aromatherapy Part II ~ continued.

Dream pillows have been made for hundreds of years, dating back to the days when herbs were believed to have magical powers. Fragrance unlocks pleasant memories that play out in our dreams in a most delightful way. Dream pillows ~ or comfort pillows ~ are used for inducing sleep and vivid dreams. They were often used in the sickroom to ease the nightmares that may come with medicine and the smells of illness. Tucked into your regular pillowcase, the subtle scents that emanate from a small dream pillow will aid in better sleep and more lucid dreams, perhaps summoning long-hidden memories.

Scents do evoke memories, especially florals, perhaps of childhood days when there wasn’t a care in the world. Since everyone’s sense of smell is different, you really must experiment with different plant materials to find your preferences. Most everyone likes lavender, and makes a nice relaxing base scent for a sleep bag. Other herbs may cause more action packed dreams!  For the frequent traveler, herbal dream blends are meant to give quiet rest, a familiar scent and peacefulness to inspire confidence and ensure the fullest enjoyment of the trip. Make one for yourself prior to a vacation or business trip!

The healing energies of aromatic herbs and flowers are designed to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Nurture your creative spirit
  • Inspire romantic thoughts
  • Increase mental clarity and awareness

Here’s a listing of commonly used pillow herbs:

chamomile – relaxation, pleasant dreams
balsam fir needles – relaxing, soothing
dill – comes from Norse word “dilla” meaning ‘to lull’, helps one to fall asleep
hops- relaxation, pleasant dreams , strong scent
sage – “helps dreams come true”
thyme – to bring dreams of fairies
orange peel – protected and safe feelings
sweet woodruff – protection from nightmares and bad thoughts of others.
lavender- eases headaches, promotes psychic cleansing
marjoram – healthy thoughts
mints – adds vividness and alert feelings to dreams.
rose – loving thoughts, can be exotic or even erotic
rosemary – keeps away bad dreams.
red clover – prosperity
lemon grass – prophetic dreams
mugwort – for remembering dreams, vivid dreams
damiana – sensual dreams, aphrodisiac
patchouli – sensual, erotic, aphrodisiac, haunting
leather scraps – wild west dreams, action and excitement

Some herbs to avoid: chamomile for people prone to allergies, other sages, tansy, and artemisias may cause nightmares.

Dream pillows are easy to make with little effort. A simple muslin bag works well as a sleep or dream bag to tuck inside your pillowcase. You can make prettier pillows (or sachets) with floral fabric, lace and ribbons, vintage buttons, hand-stamped messages, and so on… to set on the bed as both decoration and mood setting.

The following recipes will help to get you started. The muslin bags should be filled about 1/2 way with herb mixture so that they will flatten in your pillowcase.

Restful Sleep
1/2 part hops
1 part marjoram
1/2 part linden
12 part orange granules
1 part lavender
1 part chamomile

Relaxing Sleep
1/2 part catnip
1 part lavender
1 part mugwort

Lovely Dreams
1 part mugwort
1/2 part roses
1/2 part chamomile
1/2 part lavender
1/4 part peppermint

Explore your own fav custom herbal ‘recipe’ blend… and ♥ sweet ♥ dreams!